> system selection > develop the rfi

Phase 2 - Develop the RFI

  1. Prioritizing the Requirements

    We work with upper management and key users to establish a priority order for the functional requirements. Defining which modules are more critical to the business than others helps to determine which software and hardware solution fits best. The more critical modules are weighted to give them more influence on the evaluation process and therefore on the final decision.
  2. General Assumptions

    Upper management is involved in defining any special assumptions that have been made during this process. The RFI includes a section detailing these assumptions for the vendors who will be submitting proposals. Assumptions include:
    • Operating system and hardware compatibility
    • How long proposed solution has been available
    • How often upgrades are developed
    • User Group availability
    • Miscellaneous application software interfaces
    • Desired support and training
  3. Distribution

    The Request for Information is distributed to specially selected vendors who have been pre-screened and have verified that they can deliver a product that meets a high number of functional requirements. Our objective is to receive enough proposals to have an adequate choice of solutions while screening out those that do not meet the organization’s needs. Proposals will be presented showing how each functional requirement is addressed by the particular system, hardware and software prices, and estimated implementation and training costs.